Glenn Insurance has a long history of community involvement both as a company and through the individual efforts of our employees. Click here to see a full list of our community partners.
Active in community groups and organizations as individuals, small groups, and/or as a corporate sponsor, we are always ready to lend a helping hand to our neighbors. From the support of local athletic teams, to awareness walks, to food/clothing drives, we are proud of our commitment to giving back to our community.
Good neighbors, good friends, respected colleagues. These are the traditions we value in our employees and in our organization as a whole. Following are just a sample of the activities we participate in on a regular basis.

We are pleased to be a drop-off location for the Atlantic County Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots drive. New unwrapped toys may be dropped off at our Absecon location, 500 East Absecon Blvd., from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday during the annual campaign. Toys are distributed by Marine Toys for Tots Foundation volunteers to needy children in the Atlantic County community. For more information email [email protected] or visit Thanks to the generosity of our employees, clients and community members, last year's drive was a tremendous success. If you made a donation - thank you!

As an ongoing commitment to our soldiers and our environment, Glenn Insurance has become an official collection site for used cell phones. Cell Phones for Soldiers (CPFS) has partnered with ReCellular, a cell phone recycling company, which pays CPFS for each donated phone. The money is then used to buy phone calling cards for service men and women everywhere. Phones in good working condition may also be reconditioned and given to a soldier. Glenn Insurance is helping by collecting cell phones locally and then shipping them for the program. Cell phones are accepted in any condition - working or not and with or without batteries/accessories. You may drop off your old cell phones at our Absecon or Malaga locations during business hours throughout the year. Thank you for supporting our troops and our environment! For more information email us [email protected] or visit

South Jersey Field of Dreams is a place where physically and mentally disabled children and adults can play and participate in America's favorite pastime, baseball. Each year, Glenn Insurance employees volunteer for at least one game to be field buddies, work the snack bar, and sell merchandise. Field buddies work with players to offer assistance, as well as encouragement, during the game.

Glenn Insurance participates in activities throughout the year in support of the American Heart Association (AHA) and their mission to help all of us lead healthier lives. On the first Friday in February, we wear red in support of the AHA Go Red for Women's Heart Health Day. On the first Wednesday in April, we put on our sneakers and walk a route near our offices for the AHA Start! Walking at Work Day. Each May, Glenn employees and our families participate in the AHA Southern NJ Spring Heart Walk on the Boardwalk in Ocean City, NJ. This is a wonderful opportunity to have fun with our extended families while raising awareness and funds for an important cause. We look forward to every Heart Walk.