Lewis B. Glenn

Thomas L. Glenn, Sr.

Thomas L. Glenn, Jr.

Thomas L. Glenn III
Insurance Services Spanning Four Generations
Glenn Insurance has demonstrated loyalty to its own heritage and traditions for more than a century. Our agency has maintained a tradition of quality service that has earned us the respect of businesses, institutions and families who count on us for their insurance needs.
Our current owner, Tim Glenn, became president of Glenn Insurance in November 2001, opening a new chapter in a long chronicle of achievement attained by the company. This is because "Tim" Glenn is Thomas L. Glenn III, a fourth-generation Glenn family member involved in the insurance business in Atlantic County.
Glenn Insurance has played a significant role in the development of the insurance industry in New Jersey. Tim’s great-grandfather, Lewis B. Glenn, and his grandfather, Thomas L. Glenn, established the agency, which dates back to 1879. His father, Thomas L. Glenn, Jr., served as president from 1966 to 1984, chairman from 1984 to 2001 and later as co-chairman. Tim Glenn's uncle, R. Ronald Glenn, joined the business in 1963, was president from 1984 to 2001, and served as co-chairman at the firm, first with his brother Tom and then with Tim, until his retirement in 2005.
Through years of effort and persistence, this family-run agency has established a rich and rewarding tradition based on a commitment to hard work and devotion to family ties, thus creating a solid framework of trust and service within the communities in which we conduct business.
Tim Glenn stresses that the agency owes its continuing success to certain core values that underscore every plan, action and decision, from the most complex strategic goal setting to the seemingly simple, everyday operations. "Service, loyalty, and support for our community are the key principles at Glenn Insurance," he affirms. Coupled with consistency, these standards have made our agency one of the outstanding corporate success stories in New Jersey.
Giving back to the community has always been imperative at Glenn Insurance since its inception, a concept that has helped to establish the unwavering foundation of confidence that has made our firm one of only a few family-run insurance agencies remaining in the area. In his day, Lewis B. Glenn participated in the progressive development of Atlantic City during the early years of the twentieth century. He also served as director of the Atlantic City National Bank and president of the Atlantic City Board of Education. Following his lead, the agency has always made a conscientious effort to support local aid groups and other organizations that impact the health and welfare of our community through financial sponsorship of amateur sports, alumni associations, healthcare organizations, and numerous other service organizations.
This dedication to service has many aspects. As a business, Glenn Insurance strives to be a helpful, reliable and informative partner to our clients. From the outset, our agency has offered the broadest range of insurance products, including commercial, health, and life insurance, personal coverage, property and casualty insurance, self-insured workers' compensation, financial services, and placement and servicing of medical professional liability coverage.
In today's world, with an ever-shifting landscape of taxes and regulations, financial planning has become increasingly essential and our agency offers expert advice in this area as well. The broad spectrum of offerings at Glenn Insurance ensures that clients can obtain all of their insurance and financial needs from the same providers on whom they have come to trust and rely through the years.
From the very beginning, Glenn Insurance's aim has been to establish relationships, not just sell policies. That attitude extends to our workforce as well. We have always sought the highest ideals in the training and experience of our staff that now includes more than fifty highly qualified insurance and financial planning professionals.
Although continuing education is state mandated, Glenn encourages pursuit of higher insurance education. Many employees hold such advanced credentials as CPCU (Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriter), CIC (Certified Insurance Counselor), CISR Designation (Certified Insurance Service Representative), CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter), ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant), CPA (Certified Public Accountant), CPIW (Certified Professional Insurance Woman), CCC (Certified Compensation Consultant), LUTCF (Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow), AIC (Associate in Claims), AAI (Associated Advisor in Insurance), ACSR (Accredited Customer Service Representative), RHU (Registered Health Underwriter), REBC (Registered Employee Benefits Consultant) and MD (Medical Doctor). Access to advanced technology ensures that our staff will be prepared to meet clients' needs well into the future. Working with our agency has always been more than simply doing business; it is an active and continuing partnership, carefully geared to each client's individual financial and insurance requirements.
Throughout the decades, Glenn Insurance has also worked diligently to maintain ongoing relationships with many of the nation's leading insurance carriers, thus providing our clients with the widest range of options. Again, the agency’s consistent and enduring history of quality and reliability supports our objectives. Constant feedback between our agency and carriers helps keep us – and the insurance industry at large – better synchronized to meet the evolving needs of our clients.
Maintaining professional affiliations is another important factor in keeping attuned to current trends, issues, and up-to-date solutions within the greater business community. Glenn Insurance is a proud member of the Independent Insurance Agents of America, the Insurance Society of Philadelphia, the Society of CPCU, Professional Insurance Agents, the International Association of Insurance Professionals, the National Association of Life Underwriters, The National Association of Professional Employment Organizations, Trusted Choice and the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers. We are also active members of the Greater Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Vineland Chamber of Commerce.
In our community, Glenn Insurance is a prominent champion of amateur and youth sports — including numerous local athletic teams of all ages participating in softball, football, soccer, and basketball. Leading area healthcare charities have also benefited from the generosity of Glenn Insurance, extending beyond financial donations to include time and personal attention. These contributions are not only personally rewarding for our staff, they are also a testament to Glenn Insurance's steadfast commitment to the well being of our community.
Both prospective and established clients can see our agency's values at work every day in their municipalities, neighborhoods, and workplaces. This widespread and ongoing visibility has contributed a firm groundwork for a relationship of mutual trust and respect. Believing that they have established a bond with us through years of exceptional service, clients return to our agency time and time again as their needs grow and change, while frequently giving referrals and recommendations with the utmost confidence to their friends, neighbors, and business associates.
In the years since its founding in Atlantic City, Glenn Insurance moved to Northfield in 1971 and then to Absecon, a historic town dating back to the eighteenth century. Located across the bay from Atlantic City and overlooking its skyline, Absecon is in the heart of the Atlantic-Cape May area and within easy reach of surrounding municipalities.
Currently, Glenn Insurance's headquarters is located in a building that was remodeled in 1986 to custom specifications. The agency also operates a branch office in Vineland, offering convenient access to our western Atlantic County and Cumberland County clients.
Glenn Insurance is proud of its solid legacy of excellence. "Our continuing success," asserts Tim Glenn, "can be attributed to hiring exceptional employees, providing superior service, representing only top-quality companies, maintaining solid relationships with each of our customers, and giving back to the community."