Glenn Insurance Employee Promotions
November 29, 2015Don’t Be a Deer in the Headlights
February 18, 2016
Extreme cold temperatures are expected in the Northeast beginning Saturday morning and carrying through the Valentine’s Day weekend. Temperatures are expected to fall to near-record lows, with wind chills diving into the 20s to 30s below zero.
Fortunately, the cold blast is not expected to last long; temperatures are forecast to begin rising on Monday. And, though no significant precipitation is expected, the extremely low temperatures can nevertheless be dangerous.
One great danger is frozen pipes. Here are some loss prevention tips to take during extremely cold conditions:
• Keep the heat up to at least 60 – 65 degrees
• Run faucets at a slow trickle
• Open cabinet doors
• Remove hoses from outside yard faucets
• Turn the water line “off” to outside faucets
• Make sure everyone in the home knows where the main water shut-off valve is located
Should you have a loss, you can Report a Claim 24/7 right on our website.
[Thanks to one of our carriers, NBIC, for the great tips!]