Why You Probably Need Umbrella Insurance
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New Jersey Doesn’t Require Boat Insurance. Get it Anyway.
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Of all the topics you’d expect to find on our insurance blog, we’re guessing New Year’s Resolutions was not at the top of the list. But if you think about it, the start of a new year is the perfect time to take a look at your insurance coverages and make sure they’re still protecting you and your assets. It’s amazing how much can change in a year, so we highly recommend including the following among your resolutions for 2022.
Let’s Get Physical
Maybe you make this same resolution every year – after all, it’s the most common New Year’s resolution – but go ahead and resolve once again to get in better shape. This is the year you’ll really stick to it. We all know that sticking to resolutions to exercise more and maintain a better diet will make you healthier and improve your confidence. But why are we including “Get Healthier†on a list of insurance resolutions? Because getting healthier saves you money. You’ll visit the doctor less frequently and spend less on those expensive medications. Plus, sticking to resolutions to quit smoking, lose weight, walk 10,000 steps a day, or any other habit that contributes to better health would likely have a positive effect on both your life and health insurance.
Make a List, Check it Twice
Some of us got rewarded for being really good boys and girls with some extra nice holiday presents. Maybe Santa brought you a big-screen TV. Or perhaps you found a pair of big ol’ diamond stud earrings under the tree. Be sure to add those big-ticket items to your homeowners insurance. We wrote a blog about insuring pricey holiday gifts in January and it’s worth a quick read. In general, if it costs more than $500, or if replacing it would cause a financial strain, then you should plan to have it insured. Like we wrote in the intro, much can change in 365 days, so the start of each new year is a good time to do a general inventory of all the items in your home, just in case they should ever need to be replaced after a catastrophe.
Speaking of lists, our Auto Insurance checklist is a good one to keep handy when shopping for Auto Insurance.
Time for a Check-Up
We recommend an annual review of your insurance coverages. Just as conducting an inventory of your household possessions is well-timed to coincide with the start of a new calendar, it’s also a great time to review your insurance. Make an appointment with a Glenn Insurance agent to discuss everything from car, life and homeowners insurance and update us on what’s changed in the past year. As your life and needs change, corresponding changes to your policies might make sense, too. If you haven’t already done it, you should consider bundling your home and auto insurance policies to take advantage of discounts of 20% or more! We’ll work with you to make sure you have all the coverage you need, and none that you don’t.
To schedule an annual review of your insurance coverages, call 1-888-OK-GLENN or 609-641-3000 today.