Anne Glenn is United Way's "Power of the Purse" Honoree - Glenn Insurance
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Anne Glenn is United Way’s “Power of the Purse” Honoree

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Anne Glenn is United Way’s “Power of the Purse” Honoree

A red and black background with an arrow in the middle.

On June 23rd, Anne -Marie Glenn, the mother of Glenn Insurance President, Thomas L. Glenn III, was recognized for her community support by United Way’s Women’s Leadership Institute (WLI) as their “Power of the Purse” honoree. This award, established to celebrate a local woman who is an outstanding leader, advocate and philanthropist, highlighted Anne-Marie’s personal ongoing commitment to community organizations throughout Atlantic County.

Power of the Purse was developed by United Way’s WLI as a way to educate and empower women on philanthropic matters. Topics have ranged from financial literacy and planned giving, children’s money matters and women’s wealth, charitable giving in a challenging economy and more!

