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Flood Insurance Q&A

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Flood Insurance Q&A

A flooded parking lot with cars parked in it.

That extra hour of sunlight we got from the start of daylight savings time – along with the warmer weather we’ve enjoyed lately – really got us ready for Spring. And while all those pleasant thoughts that the season of renewal brings are top of mind, we also brace for the less-pleasant aspects of springtime.

Like Spring showers. And the flooding they can cause, especially closer to the shoreline.

But don’t worry, Glenn Insurance can answer all your flood insurance questions so you can get back to basking in the sunshine and smelling the freshly bloomed flowers.

The following are questions we’re often asked about flood insurance and the answers you need. If you have additional questions, call Glenn Insurance at 1-888-OK-GLENN.

Q: My home is NOT on the beach or the waterfront. Why do I need flood insurance?
A: The number of floods in New Jersey have increased each of the past few years due to rising sea levels and the increasingly northern reach of hurricanes caused by rising temperatures in the atmosphere and oceans. More and more places that have never had a flood before, have experienced flooding in recent years. While in the past, those who didn’t own a waterfront or beach home may not have had to worry about flooding, but that’s no longer the case. At Glenn Insurance, we know about the risks from floods, and we are happy to discuss whether flood insurance is right for your property.

Q: Does my homeowners insurance policy cover damages to my property from floods?
A: No. Flood damage is excluded under standard homeowners and renters insurance policies. Flood coverage, however, is available in the form of a separate policy both from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and from a few private insurers.

Q: What is the NFIP and how does it work?
A: Congress created the NFIP in 1968 in response to the rising cost of taxpayer-funded disaster relief for flood victims and the increasing amount of damage caused by floods. The NFIP makes federally backed flood insurance available in communities that agree to adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances to reduce future flood damage. The NFIP is self-supporting for the average historical loss year. This means that, unless there is a widespread disaster, operating expenses and flood insurance claims are financed through premiums collected.

Q: What does flood insurance cover?
A: In the event of a flood, a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policy covers direct physical losses to your structure and belongings including:
  • Foundation walls, anchorage systems, and staircases
  • Electrical and plumbing systems
  • Furnaces and water heaters
  • Personal belongings such as clothing and furniture
Contact Glenn Insurance for more information about flood insurance including a complete list of building and contents coverage, or to get a quote, by calling 1-888-OK-GLENN.

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Alyssa Jones